Financial Planner's Red Flags

Jun 29, 2022

Wealth Management is an aspect full of risk that most people decide to hand over to a professional. Financial planners are famous for decluttering someone's economic life and creating a roadmap for their wealth management journey. Most help with advice, products, and services to meet specific goals. However, some financial planners make mistakes that leave their clients worse off.

When considering hiring a financial planner, it's essential to be aware of the potential red flags that may indicate they're not the right fit for you.

7 Red Flags To Watch Out For

Lack Of Experience Or Credentials

Make sure your financial planner has the experience and credentials to give sound financial advice. Check their credentials against those required by the Financial Planning Standards Council.

Pressuring You To Make Decisions

A good financial planner will never pressure you into making hasty decisions about your finances. If your planner is pressuring you to act now or make impulsive decisions, walk away.

Not Understanding Your Goals

A good financial planner will take the time to understand your unique financial situation and your goals. If they don't ask about your dreams or don't seem interested in what you want to achieve, they're not the right planner for you.

Focusing On The Short-Term

Your financial planner should be focused on helping you meet your long-term financial goals. If they seem more interested in helping you make money or get rich quickly, they're not looking out for your best interests.

Not Being Transparent

Transparency is vital when working with a financial planner. You should always know what fees they're charging, what products they're recommending, and how they're being compensated. If your planner isn't being transparent, walk away.

Not Being Accessible

Your financial planner should be accessible and responsive to your questions and concerns. If they're hard to get a hold of or don't return your calls promptly, they're not the right planner for you.

Failing To Update You

Your financial planner should keep you up-to-date on changes in the market, changes to your portfolio, and any other relevant information. They're not doing their job if they're not keeping you in the loop.

Reliable Financial Advisors

If you encounter any of these red flags, it's best to find a new option. Womack Investment Advisers is a team of reliable and trustworthy financial advisors that can help you reach your financial goals. We have a vast catalog of financial services, from retirement planning to insurance planning and portfolio management to estate planning.

We're here to answer any questions and help you navigate your financial journey. Contact us today to get started.


Womack Investment Advisers, Inc. (WIA) is a registered investment adviser whose principal office is located in Oklahoma. Womack Investment Advisers, Inc. is also registered in the State of California, the State of Illinois, the State of Indiana, and the State of Texas. WIA only transacts business in sates where it is properly registered, or excluded, or exempted from registration requirements.

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